Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

Contoh Soal Reading Dan jawabannya

Although it seems like the spread of spam-unwanted junk e-mails sent to millions of people each day – is recent problem, spam has been around as long as the Internet has. In fact, the first documented case of spam occurred in 1978, when a computer company sent out 400 e-mails via the Arpanet, the precursor to the modern Internet. Now, spam e-mails account for more than two-thirds of all the e-mails sent over the Internet, and for some unlucky uses, spam makes up 80 percent of the messages they receive. And despite technological innovations such as spam filters and event new legislation designed to combat spam, the problem will not go away easily.
The reason spammers – the people who and businesses that spread spam – are difficult to stop is that spam is so cost effective. It costs a spammer roughly one-hundredth of a send spam, which means that a spammer can still make a profit even with an extremely low response rate, as low as one sale per 100,000 e-mails sent. This low rate gives spammers a tremendous incentive to continue sending out millions and millions and millions of e-mils, even if the average person never purchases anything from them. With so much at stake, spammers have gone to great lengths to avoid or defeat spam blockers and filters.
Most spam filters rely on a fairly primitive “fingerprinting” system. In this system, a program analyzes several typical spam messages and identifies common features in them. Any arriving e-mails that match these features are deleted. But the fingerprinting defense proves quite easy for spammer to defeat. To confuse the program, a spammer simply has to include as series of random characters or number. The additions to the spam message change its “fingerprint” and thus allow the spam to escape detection. And when programmers modify the fingerprint software to look for random strings of letter, spammers respond by including nonrandom content, such as sports scores or stock prices, which again defeats the system.
A second possible solution takes advantage of a computer’s limited learning abilities. So called “smart filters” use complex algorithms, which allow them to recognize new versions of spam messages. These filters may be initially fooled by random characters or bogus content, but they soon learn to identify these features. Unfortunately, spammers have learned how to avoid these smart filters as well.

Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas IX online

1. I asked to come earlier, _______.
a. and she didn’t
b. but she did
c. but she didn’t
d. while she wasn’t

2. We have finished the work _______.
a. too
b. either
c. did too
d. have too

3. They had no enough time to participate in the discussion, ________.
a. and we didn’t either
b. and we didn’t neither
c. and we did too
d. and neither do we

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Contoh Soal :

By the year 2000 young people who are now going to Secondary school will have grown up; most of them will probably have become parents who have responsible positions in the community. Babies born this year will go to Secondary Schools or will have become school drops – out. The Indonesian population will have increased by 130 million, making the total number 280 million. But if parents today follow the family planning programme, the population increase will be much less. Mainland China by the year 2000 will have population 0f 1.4 billion people, which is increase of 600 million people within a time span of about 25 years. India will probably have 1.1 billion people in the year 2000; this means that there will be an increase of 480 million if the birth rate remains as it is now.

According to records, in 1968 about two thirds of the world’s population lived in less developed areas and only one-third in the more developed areas. By the year 2000 there is a strong possibility that the population in less developed areas will have increased to 77% and that the population in the more developed areas will be only 23% of the world’s total. It is estimated that South Asia’s population will have doubled from 1.126 billion to 2.302 billion.

1. The above text is called…
A. Report
B. Descriptive
C. Recount
D. Narrative

2. What does paragraph one tell about?
A. Population in India
B. Baby Booming
C. The increasing population
D. The effectiveness of family planning

3. How many people lived in China by the year 2000?
A. 480 million
B. 1.1 billion
C. 280 million
D. 1.4 billion

selengkapnya : download di sini ya teman teman
download soal bahasa inggris kelas 9

Tips Sukses UN 2012 untuk semua

 Tips Sukses Ujian Nasional 20121. Belajar Latihan Contoh-Contoh Soal
    untuk soal-soal Ujian Nasional bisa di cari di internet tapi biasanya di sekolah masing-masing ,untuk soal Ujian Nasional tahun sebelumnya akan dibagikan dan di bahas bersama gurunya.

2.Perbanyaklah baca untuk mata pelajaran yang di ujikan Ujian Nasiona
      yang perlu kita banya pelajari jika akan menghadapi Ujian Nasional harus memperbanyak baca-baca tentang pelajaran untuk Ujian Nasional

3.Berdoa Kepada Allah SWT
      Berdoa ini sangat penting sekali,karena semua yang ada di bumi ini yang ngatur cuma satu yaitu Allah SWT, jadi kita harus berdoa atau memohon kepadanya.

4.Ketenangan Saat Mengerjakan Ujian Nasional
      jangan suka tergesa-gesa dalam mengerjakan soal Ujian Nasional,jika kita tergesa-gesa pasti kita akan kurang teliti dan banyak yang akan selah dalam mengerjakan soal Ujian Nasional.

5.jangan andalkan Bocoran Ujian Nasional
    bocoran Ujian Nasional ini sangat banyak di cari oleh pelajar yang mau menghadapi Ujian Nasional,namun jangan suka mengandalkan Bocoran UN,karena belum tentu bocoran Ujian Nasional itu benar

6.Percaya Diri

Prediksi Soal Ujian SMP 2012

 Prediksi Soal UN SMP/MTS Tahun 2012Hai teman teman sekarang aku dan kita akan melaksanakan ujian ya.....saya harap kita semua bisa lulus untuk mengasah kemampuan kita aku punya beberapa prediksi soal ujian nih ya

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